Congratulations to the winners of the My Senior Reel Competition!

Seniors – thank you for sending us your best videos telling us what you love most about your online school experience. We loved seeing your videos and cannot wait to see what your future holds!

My Senior Reel Details

Open to Seniors

The My Senior Reel competition was open to current seniors attending a K12-powered school.

Five $1,000 Scholarships

Five student winners will each receive a $1,000 scholarship to help further their education or for other future endeavors.

Entry Requirements

  • Video entries can be in .mp4 or .mov formats and should include 2 versions:
    • An edited version that is a minimum of 15 seconds and not more than one minute in length.
    • The raw original, unedited video footage.
  • Please pick 2–3 of the following topics to talk about in your video:
    • How has your online school contributed to your current achievements and prepared you for success after high school?
    • What was your favorite or most challenging class?
    • What does your school space look like, and what makes it unique to you?
    • What is your favorite senior memory?
    • Who is your favorite teacher, and why?
    • What advice would you give to a student just starting online school?
    • What will you do with the scholarship money if you win, and how will it help you prepare for the future?

Video Do’s & Don’ts

DO: Shoot all video clips vertically (9:16) from a phone.

DO: Ensure that the subject of each shot, whether people, pets, or objects, is clearly visible and centered in the frame.

DO: Save your video in .mp4 or .mov format. We recommend 1080p MP4 for best quality.

DO: Show off your unique interests and personality.

DO: Smile and show your best (selfie) face.

DO: Wear school-/work-appropriate clothing.

DON’T: Say “Stride,” “Stride K12,” or “K12 Students.”

DON’T: Say or show any last names—use first names only (unless you are talking about your teacher).

DON’T: Wear any logos EXCEPT K12 or school logos.

Judging Criteria

A panel of judges will determine five winners based on:

  • Creativity: 50%

    This category evaluates the overall creativity demonstrated in the video submission. Judges will assess the innovative ideas, storytelling techniques, and unique presentation styles utilized in the video.

  • Authenticity: 25%

    Judges will evaluate the originality and sincerity of the response to the chosen prompt. Emphasis will be placed on the genuine expression of thoughts, feelings, and experiences conveyed in the video.

  • Technical Proficiency: 25%

    This category assesses the technical execution of the video, including factors such as filming techniques, editing skills, and overall production quality. Judges will consider the video presentation’s clarity, coherence, and professionalism.

Competition Schedule

June 24, 2024

Video submission deadline

July 3, 2024

Winners announced

Please review the rules and regulations related to the My Senior Reel competition. When registering you must agree to these terms and conditions.

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My Senior Reel