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Check out the 2024 K12 Art Competition winning artwork! 🎨

The 2024 K12 Art Competition came to a close, with some impressive artistic talent and innovation displayed across all grade levels! In this year’s competition, students from grades K–12 had the opportunity to explore traditional 2D physical art as well as two new categories—digital and AI art. We were thrilled to see students embracing these new mediums and pushing the boundaries of creativity. Watch the winner reveal below to check out these amazing works of art!

$20,000 of Prizes Awarded!


A panel of judges selected physical and digital art winners. Three winners in each category and grade band received the following prizes:

1st Place

$1,500 gift card

2nd Place

$500 gift card

3rd Place

$250 gift card


AI-Generated Art

One winner in each grade band won a $500 gift card.

AI-generated art was judged based on popular vote.

We introduced the AI art category to acknowledge technology's influence on the art world. Rest assured, judging for AI art was separate from our other categories, focusing on the creativity of prompts over production. Prompt crafting requires creative skill and problem-solving for desired aesthetics.

Please review the rules and regulations related to the K12 Art Competition. These terms and conditions must be agreed to upon submission of entry.

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